When the Stars Gossip - Season 1 : Episode 7


  • Comedy
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Drama

It is a story about an astronaut and a tourist who meet and fall in love at a space station. Gong Ryong, an obstetrician-gynecologist, will be staying at the space station for a few days as a space tourist, but he has a secret goal. Gong Ryong is also the future son-in-law of the MZ Group, the richest conglomerate in Korea. Commander Eve Kim heads to the space station after receiving her first mission as a commander. Eve Kim is a perfectionist who strictly follows the rules and doesn't tolerate a single mistake in an area where dangers lurk everywhere. Gong Ryong’s girlfriend is Choi Go Eun. As the only remaining heir of MZ Group’s chairman, Choi Go Eun not only possesses beauty and intelligence, but she is also highly capable, making her a great role model.

Season 1 Episodes


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